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18th century
A Louis XVI console

12 000 €

Galerie Wanecq

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Furniture in the 18th Century

French furniture would experience a golden age in the 18th century. The Century of Lights would do wonders with furnishings. These antique pieces highlight an exceptional craftsmanship on the part of the cabinetmakers, but also of the carvers, ornamentalists and gilders. From Louis XIV to the Directoire style, 18th century furniture was distinguished by noble materials and prestigious ornamentation: precious woods, finely worked and gilded bronze, Boulle marquetry, Oriental lacquerware, Vernis Martin lacquering, mother of pearl, porcelain...

The pieces of this era combined their utility and highly decorative value with great refinement. They became veritable works of art that exalted the interiors of the Court, the nobility and the bourgeoisie. The bergère chair, dresser, console, desk, sideboard: the furnishings of the 18th century carry the legacy of an extraordinary heritage.