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mpire clock with the vestal in gilt bronze, early 19th century
mpire clock with the vestal in gilt bronze, early 19th century - Horology Style Empire mpire clock with the vestal in gilt bronze, early 19th century - mpire clock with the vestal in gilt bronze, early 19th century - Empire Antiquités - mpire clock with the vestal in gilt bronze, early 19th century
Ref : 94799
3 000 €
Period :
19th century
Provenance :
France, Paris
Medium :
Dimensions :
L. 14.37 inch X H. 23.23 inch X P. 5.31 inch
Horology  - mpire clock with the vestal in gilt bronze, early 19th century 19th century - mpire clock with the vestal in gilt bronze, early 19th century Empire - mpire clock with the vestal in gilt bronze, early 19th century Antiquités - mpire clock with the vestal in gilt bronze, early 19th century

French 17th & 18th centuries furniture and Arts

+33 (0)6 60 81 49 10
+33 (0)7 83 47 34 36
mpire clock with the vestal in gilt bronze, early 19th century

Important Empire clock in gilt bronze very finely chiseled
representing a vestal virgin giving a drink to an eagle, dating from the very beginning of the 19th century around 1810.
The clock we present is decorated with bas-reliefs representing garlands of flowers, heads of grotesques and offering cups resting on feet with palmettes decorated with crossettes.
A beautiful original gilding with two golds finishes the decoration.
Private collection.
In good condition (the balance wheel is missing).
Dimensions : h.59 cm x w.36,5 cm x d.13,5 cm.



Mantel Clocks Empire

19th century
Important Vase-shaped Empire clock
19th century
The White Bearer, bronze Clock
19th century
Erigone getting drink, bronze clock
19th century
Large bronze clock Signed Lepaute