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A Green Porphyry Bowl
A Green Porphyry Bowl - Decorative Objects Style Napoléon III A Green Porphyry Bowl - A Green Porphyry Bowl - Napoléon III
Ref : 92043
4 000 €
Period :
19th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Dimensions :
H. 11.02 inch | Ø 12.2 inch
Decorative Objects  - A Green Porphyry Bowl 19th century - A Green Porphyry Bowl Napoléon III - A Green Porphyry Bowl
Antiques Prové

Period furniture and works of art from ancient times to the 19th century .

+32 495207546
A Green Porphyry Bowl

A rather large bowl , Italian made around 1850 .
Porfido serpentino Antico .
The bowl and foot made separately , the bowl restored .

Delevery information :

Transport can be arranged . .

Antiques Prové


Bowl & Cassolettes Napoléon III