Offered by Matthew Holder
A Sassanian chalcedony annular stamp seal engraved with a noblewoman.
Iran, 4th-6th century AD.
Measures 2.5 x 2.1 x 1.6cm.
The seal is engraved with the bust of a noblewoman facing dexter and surrounded by a Pahlavi inscription.
The seal, along with its impression is mounted on a piece of card that bears the inscription (translated from French):
‘MS I033 - Ellipsoidal Stamp in pearl grey agate (25 x 2I × I6) engraved with a female bust with bare breasts, necklace and earrings and hairstyle in tiara with long mats - Long pehélévi inscription around and under the bust (very rare). SASSANIDE - IV°- V° century.’
And to the reverse:
‘(Ref: "Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum" de BIVAR. I469, pl. 3 et 4 N° AFI et BA3).’
Provenance: Private French Collection.
Similar examples can be found in the collection of the British Museum, Registration numbers: 1864,0827.3, 1967,0220.255, 1967,0220.478 and 1874,0305.60.
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