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Rare large vase China era Jiajing dynastie Ming 1522-1566
Rare large vase China era Jiajing dynastie Ming 1522-1566 - Asian Works of Art Style Rare large vase China era Jiajing dynastie Ming 1522-1566 -
Ref : 116665
780 000 €
Period :
<= 16th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Dimensions :
H. 17.91 inch
Asian Works of Art  - Rare large vase China era Jiajing dynastie Ming 1522-1566
Del Rey Antiquités

+33 ( 0)6 81 92 19 31
Rare large vase China era Jiajing dynastie Ming 1522-1566

Jarre of polylobed sections decorated with a seabed.( fish, sea spiders, shrimps...) Robustness of the form, liveliness of the drawing, exuberance of the patterns and intensity of the colour characterize these works as well as the period. The so called wucai or for colours technique used here has the particularity of associating blue under cover with enamels on cover.
We can guess all the difficulty of this exercise which forces the decorator to identify in advance the position of the blue flats on the completely bare surface, even before affixing the emanel based drawing on the cover, the framework of the decor.
State of conservation: old share on the collar. Cooking groove on the belly camouflaged by the decor. Cooking slot in the lower part, underneath
A certificate of analysis will be provided Laboratory Re.S.Artes
Period evaluated by the laboratory 1460-1570

Del Rey Antiquités

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Asian Works of Art