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Medieval gold ring brooch
Medieval gold ring brooch - Antique Jewellery Style Medieval gold ring brooch - Medieval gold ring brooch - Antiquités - Medieval gold ring brooch
Ref : 114978
6 950 €   -   SALE PENDING
Period :
11th to 15th century
Antique Jewellery  - Medieval gold ring brooch 11th to 15th century - Medieval gold ring brooch  - Medieval gold ring brooch Antiquités - Medieval gold ring brooch
Matthew Holder

European Works of Art & Sculpture

+44 (0) 7906300197
Medieval gold ring brooch

A Medieval gold ring brooch.French or English, 13th century.

Measures 2.5cm in diameter.

Weighs 3.9 grams.

- Comtesse Martine-Marie-Octavie Pol de Béhague (1870-1939), Paris; thence by descent to Marquis Jean-Louis Hubert de Ganay (1922-2013), France.
- Antiquités et Objets d'Art: Collection de Martine, Comtesse de Béhague, Provenant de la Succession du Marquis de Ganay, Sotheby's, Monaco, 5 December 1987, lot 204.
- Private English Collection.

The ring is engraved in latin ‘DEVM TIME ET MANDA[TA] EVIS [sic] OBSERVA’,[Ecclesiastes 12. v.13] which translates as “Fear God and observe His commandments”.

The fastening pin bears a French control mark “ET” denoting that it has travelled through a French assay office in the 19th century.

Delevery information :

Worldwide shipping is included in all prices.

Matthew Holder


Antique Jewellery