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Mortar Red Imperial Egyptian Porphyry
Mortar Red Imperial Egyptian Porphyry - Collectibles Style Renaissance Mortar Red Imperial Egyptian Porphyry - Mortar Red Imperial Egyptian Porphyry - Renaissance
Ref : 109260
13 500 €
Period :
<= 16th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Egyptian porphyry
Dimensions :
H. 5.91 inch | Ø 8.27 inch
Collectibles  - Mortar Red Imperial Egyptian Porphyry <= 16th century - Mortar Red Imperial Egyptian Porphyry
Antiques Prové

Period furniture and works of art from ancient times to the 19th century .

+32 495207546
Mortar Red Imperial Egyptian Porphyry

A pharmacy mortar in Egyptian Porphyry. The model is typical for the 16th century. Thick-walled and gently tapering.
Old quasi invisible restoration.
From a private collection.

Delevery information :

Transport can be arranged . .

Antiques Prové


Scientific instruments Renaissance

<   16th century
Mortar Red Imperial Egyptian Porphyry