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A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous
A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous - Sculpture Style A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous - Antiquités - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous
Ref : 117318
4 600 €
Period :
19th century
Provenance :
Dimensions :
l. 9.06 inch X H. 24.02 inch X P. 7.48 inch
Sculpture  - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous 19th century - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous  - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous Antiquités - A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous
Vagabond Antiques

Fine European antiques

+4474 25365899
A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous

A 19th Century grand tour bronze of The Capitoline Antinous after the antique, Italy, Naples, 19th Century.
Inscribed, 'Musee de Naples' to the base

Vagabond Antiques

<   16th century
A 16th Century Statue Fragment

3 450 €

18th century
A Louis XV Giltwood Mirror

8 450 €

18th century
Venetian Console, Circa 1770

12 450 €


Bronze Sculpture