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A 19th Century Bronze of Mercury
A 19th Century Bronze of Mercury  - Sculpture Style A 19th Century Bronze of Mercury  - A 19th Century Bronze of Mercury  - Antiquités - A 19th Century Bronze of Mercury
Ref : 117296
4 200 €
Period :
19th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Dimensions :
H. 27.17 inch
Sculpture  - A 19th Century Bronze of Mercury 19th century - A 19th Century Bronze of Mercury  - A 19th Century Bronze of Mercury Antiquités - A 19th Century Bronze of Mercury
Vagabond Antiques

Fine European antiques

+4474 25365899
A 19th Century Bronze of Mercury

A fine 19th century bronze of Mercury after Giambologna with a good deep brown patination mounted on a later ebonised base.

Height: 69cm
£ 3,450.00

Vagabond Antiques

<   16th century
A 16th Century Statue Fragment

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18th century
A Louis XV Giltwood Mirror

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18th century
Venetian Console, Circa 1770

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Bronze Sculpture