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Education of the Virgin
Education of the Virgin - Sculpture Style Renaissance Education of the Virgin -
Ref : 116851
15 000 €
Period :
<= 16th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Dimensions :
l. 20.08 inch X H. 43.31 inch X P. 13.78 inch
Sculpture  - Education of the Virgin <= 16th century - Education of the Virgin
Galerie Gabrielle Laroche

Haute Epoque Fine Art

+33 (0)1 42 97 59 18
+33 (0)6 08 60 05 82
Education of the Virgin


PERIOD : Circa 1510-1520

Height : 110 cm
Width : 51 cm
Depth : 35 cm

Good state of conservation. Some restorations have been done

Provenance :
- Former Collection Bresset ( Certificat by Edouard Bresset, dated 9th of june 1980 )
- Former Collection Gournay – 1980

This beautiful limestone sculpture depicts a famous scene : The Education of the Virgin. Standing, holding a closed book in her right hand, Saint Anne places her left hand on the hair of the Virgin Mary, represented as a child.
Sainte Anne is wearing a veil. She is wearing a dress with a flap neckline adorned with a fabula and belted with a pretty bow at the waist. Delicately swaying, her right knee is bent. The fluid and supple folds of clothing follow the movement of the silhouette, drawing V-folds under her knee. Saint Anne looks far ahead while the Virgin Mary seems to read calmly.

Galerie Gabrielle Laroche

17th century
Pair of italian chirs

4 500 €

<   16th century
Sober and elegant monastery table

28 000 €


Stone Sculpture Renaissance