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A amusing Ivory sculpture
A amusing Ivory sculpture - Religious Antiques Style A amusing Ivory sculpture - A amusing Ivory sculpture - Antiquités - A amusing Ivory sculpture
Ref : 113484
3 650 €
Period :
18th century
Dimensions :
l. 3.15 inch X H. 4.53 inch X P. 3.15 inch
Religious Antiques  - A amusing Ivory sculpture 18th century - A amusing Ivory sculpture  - A amusing Ivory sculpture
Limburg Antiquairs

General antiques dealer

A amusing Ivory sculpture

This so-called 'caccone' is a funny and symbolically intended figure from the tradition of nativity scenes.
These nativity displays date back to the 16th century and well before, and this Roman Catholic tradition also spread from Italy (Naples and Sicily) and Spain to Germany and exists until today. Over time, nativity scenes became a reflection of society with all sorts of familiar and symbolic figures. The stable showing the little baby Jesus, his mother and father, the animals, the shepherds and the kings was only a small, though important scene in the whole.
This poop symbolizes fertility and prosperity: his poop fertilizes the earth, allowing the crop to grow well, thus providing food for the people. The babies are a joke in themselves: they can only sleep, drink and poop.
The figure is very fine and detailed and lifelike carved with the clothing, which was worn around 1800.
18th century

Ex-collection: Mario Crijns, Oosterhout.

Cites certificaat 23NL320103/20

Delevery information :

Please note that packing and shipping costs are not included in the price of the objects.

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