Offered by Le jardin des Moines
Sacred Art, objects and decorations of religious life, devotional object
A very beautiful work, probably from the order of the Poor Clares, from the end of the 17th century. This oval reliquary also benefits from a quality oak frame, Louis XIV period. The Child, asleep on a bed of roses, is surrounded by protective relics which are those of Saint Prosper Martyr, Saint Tranquillin Martyr, Saint Aurelius Martyr, Saint Calixtus Martyr, Saint Laureata Martyr, Saint Christine and Saint Restitute were also martyrs.
Everyone sacrificed themselves... The Child can sleep in Peace.
The whole, very ornate paperwork, is topped with a surprising relic of Agnus Dei.
Dimensions of 53 cm by 44 cm and 9 cm deep.
Excellent condition.