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Bones candlesticks by Elsa Peretty
Bones candlesticks by Elsa Peretty - Lighting Style 50 Bones candlesticks by Elsa Peretty - Bones candlesticks by Elsa Peretty - 50 Antiquités - Bones candlesticks by Elsa Peretty
Ref : 105762
Period :
20th century
Artist :
Elsa Peretty.
Provenance :
Medium :
Dimensions :
l. 3.94 inch X H. 14.17 inch X P. 4.72 inch
Lighting  - Bones candlesticks by Elsa Peretty 20th century - Bones candlesticks by Elsa Peretty 50
Bellechasse 29 galerie

19th & 20th century decorative arts.

+33 (0)6 03 12 78 21
+33 (0)1 45 33 16 72
Bones candlesticks by Elsa Peretty

Bones candlesticks by Elsa Peretty for Tiffany’s in the 1980s.

Rare version in terracotta.

Delevery information :

Please contact us upon this matter. For delivery abroad, we will ask door to door transportation to be quoted by independant shipping companies.

Bellechasse 29 galerie

20th century
Pair of Moderniste inspired armchair

12 000 €

20th century
pair of scandinavian ceramic lamp

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Candleholder & Candelabra 50's - 60's