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Bureau Mazarin d'Epoque Régence
Bureau Mazarin d'Epoque Régence - Furniture Style French Regence Bureau Mazarin d'Epoque Régence - Bureau Mazarin d'Epoque Régence - French Regence Antiquités - Bureau Mazarin d'Epoque Régence
Ref : 100859
Price on Request
Period :
18th century
Provenance :
Medium :
Amaranth pewter inlay
Dimensions :
L. 45.67 inch X H. 40.55 inch X P. 23.82 inch
Furniture  - Bureau Mazarin d'Epoque Régence 18th century - Bureau Mazarin d'Epoque Régence French Regence - Bureau Mazarin d'Epoque Régence Antiquités - Bureau Mazarin d'Epoque Régence
Isabelle Chalvignac

Furniture, objets d'art, curios

+33 (0)1 40 20 43 26
Bureau Mazarin d'Epoque Régence

Rare desk with pewter inlay on a background of amaranth called Mazarin.
It is richly ornamented on all its sides with a Boulle type marquetry in pewter: floral scrolls, acanthus, rosettes, in perfect symmetry.
The silhouette of its four very curved feet is the original innovation of cabinetmakers such as Boulle or B V R B, lighter forms of the Regency after the vogue for turned feet.
It presents around the crotch, two boxes opening by three drawers on three rows separated by crosspieces, connected by a central drawer in the upper row.
Its protruding tray, covered with leather, is girded with a gilded bronze molding whose superb spandrels in the form of escutcheon are decorated with a head of fauna around acanthus.
The recessed step opens with a door centered by four drawers on each side on two rows, two of which are slightly advanced.
Entrances of lock and hooves ungulates in chased and gilded bronze.
Original locks.
Its very fine decoration is reminiscent of the desk of Marie de Medici kept in the Louvre.
Regency period 1710-1720.
Very good state of conservation.

Isabelle Chalvignac


Desk & Secretaire French Regence

18th century
Regence period Bureau plat in ebony
18th century
 Removable bureau plat
18th century
Regency pedestal desk
18th century
Small blackened wood desk
18th century
French Regency Period Bureau Plat