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Galerie Tarantino


Galerie Tarantino

38, rue Saint Georges
75009 Paris

+33 (0)6 15 44 68 46



Having collaborated during some years with the dealers Jacques Fischer for 19th century art and Jean-Philippe Mariaud de Serres for antiquities, Antoine Tarantino opened his own gallery in June, 2007.

This new space, located in the heart of New Athens and evoking the atmosphere of an Italian palace, is adapted to the paintings of large size and to the archaeological objects such as marble sculptures, greek vases, intaglios and cameos.

A small room is also dedicated to the graphic arts and allows to present a selection of old masters drawings from the 16th to the 18th century.

The Gallery Tarantino proposes thematic exhibitions which facilitate the knowledge and the diffusion of the antiquities as the Italian art:

· The Revealed Antiquity), in the Gallery Daniel Greiner in February, 2007.
· Emilia Pittrice, paintings and bolognese drawings from the 16th to the 18th century from December 10th, 2007 till January 31st, 2008.
· Rome
Rome 1660, l’Explosion Baroque, du 18 novembre 2008 au 31 janvier 2009.
Peindre à Rome, du 16 mars au 21 avril 2011.
Cabinet d'Antiques, du 16 novembre au 16 décembre 2011.
Rome, de Barocci à Fragonard, du 20 mars au 8 juin 2013.
Les Fastes du Pouvoir, du 25 mars au 28 mai 2014.
Salon du dessin, du 25 au 30 mars 2015
L'Art et la Manière, du 29 mars au 27 mai 2016
Some catalogs of these exhibitions are still available.

Antoine Tarantino belongs

to the Chambre Européenne des Experts d'Art (CEEA)

and to the Syndicat National des Antiquaires (SNA)


From Monday to Thursday from 10 AM to 12 AM and from 2 PM to 7 PM
or on appointment please call 00 33 6 15 44 68 46


  • Old Master Painting
  • Ancient Art


  • SNA
    SNA Syndicat National des Antiquaires

New Arrivals by Galerie Tarantino

Catalogue | Galerie Tarantino