Offered by Galerie Mermoz
Anthropomorphic sculpture representing a standing figure with stylized features.
The lightly bent legs are apart from the body and the feet are evoked by a gash. The lower abdomen is prominent. The arms are folded and the angled forearms are resting on the belly. The fingers are marked by grooves. The shoulders are angular. The lips are sculpted and the aquiline nose is in relief. The nostrils are pierced. Two engraved lines go from the root of the nose down to the extremities of the lips. The eyes are hollowed-out and the arches of the eyebrows are prominent. The rectangular ears are in relief. The top of the head is round and left rough.
The Mezcala culture, dated from 350 – 100 B.C., is one of the most representative artistic tradition of the State of Guerrero in the southwest of Mexico. Their stone sculptures mainly represent very stylized human figures or temples evoking the idea of passage. They remain mysterious about their meaning and fascinate the contemporary artists and collectors with their modern modeling tending towards abstraction. The Mezcala artists were able to transmit a timeless vision of the Human being that encourages the viewer to face their existential questioning and gives a real presence to those figures.